You must ensure that you are adequately protected from hackers and data breaches. In the digital age, your company must have the plan to deal with cyberattacks. Working with an insurance carrier that offers coverage that is right for you is vital, and be sure to follow their protection plans carefully. Getting your employees trained and ready to handle the preparation and aftermath of a potential attack is also crucial. Ensure your business is sufficiently protected for your business and your client’s sake.
📋 Insurance carriers should provide instructions regarding the protective elements you need to follow for your insurance coverage to be considered “active”.
02:57✅ You should regularly drill on the Incident Response Plan the same way as you do for a robbery or disaster: there're many elements you should have if a breach occurs.
04:35👉 The type of insurance you purchase is as critical as the policy limits.
09:05❗ It can affect your institution or customers if your "dependent vendor" is breached: do you have the right insurance partner?
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