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44. What is Your Box? Episode 44

44. What is Your Box?

· 12:46

To think outside the box, you have to know what the box is. Change your perspective on what the main focus of your business is, and start to think outside the industry norms. When you shift the perspective of the services you provide, this changes the branding of your business, so you can deliver a more profound and appealing message to your customers. Get outside your comfort zone and change the dynamic of your box!

🤔 We need to know where we are if we're going to challenge ourselves to get out of the box. 01:16
🧑‍💼 Banking is a transaction-focused business, so banks have trained their people to execute transactions with an extremely high level of proficiency and professionalism. 03:16
❓ How would our thinking change regarding services if we don't focus on transactions? 05:26
🏦 A bank's primary focus could be targeting, identifying, and establishing customers' goals and dreams: ask each manager that reports to you to come up with an example of a goal or dream that a typical customer would have. 06:12
❗ Start a conversation about the value of moving your business focus away from a transactional one: change focus and start the hard work of change of your institution's branding. 08:35
📤 It feels comfortable to stay within our industry norms, but radical changes are coming: Are you ready, willing, and able to get out of your box? 10:57

 Link to Previous Episode: ADD LINK
 Link to The Episode About Goals And Dreams: 37. What do you do? – And How Bankers Should Answer That Question
 Email David: david@davidpeterson.com  
 Connect with David: www.linkedin.com/in/dlpspeaks
 Learn more about David: www.davidpeterson.com
 Consult with David: www.i7strategies.com
 Sail with David: www.i7sailing.com


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