😂 Gatherings with my sister Linda and brother Larry are always filled with fun, jokes, and love.
🎨 My sister Linda is an amazing painter.
3:06🖼️ Linda Baskin Art Show preparations.
5:35 🎶 David is going to do background music for Linda Baskin’s upcoming art show on March 27th.
6:15🎸 David Musical background – learning to play guitar is not easy.
8:17🎼 David has never performed a “concert” alone, but he embraced music from his college days until today.
11:09👌 Popular music sets an “expectation” of what those songs are supposed to sound like.
15:06🤔 David's book
Grounded. Word Grounded has positive and negative meanings.
19:52😨 We get stuck in our comfort zone because of fear of failure, or fear of embarrassment.
24:38👣 4 steps to get out of your comfort zone.
26:50🌠 Wisdom from Roger von Oech - Whack it!
31:16👆 Get support and get rid of excuses.
33:44💪 Flesk your risk muscle.
34:27🗓️ Set a deadline and Be Persistent.
36:12Connect with David: david@davidpeterson.com
Linda Baskin painting: http://prntscr.com/1017orl
Linda Baskin Show: https://prnt.sc/109ml4j
Link to David’s book Grounded - https://davidpeterson.com/book/grounded/
Wisdom from Roger von Oech – “Whack on the side of the head” - shorturl.at/lvQVX