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27. How to Properly Maintenance the Machine – The Importance of Employee Education Episode 27

27. How to Properly Maintenance the Machine – The Importance of Employee Education

Maintaining your human capital is essential to business scaling and success. Regardless of the scope of your business, each and every employee should have some kind of maintenance plan that includes ongoing education and/ or certifications tailored to their job function, or the job that they're trying to attain.

· 12:20

🚜 All bank loans are secured by some kind of collateral, and it’s usually equipment. 00:47
🧠 Banks run on a different type of “machinery” - the human capital also needs maintenance. 02:16
👨‍💻 Job-specific education and certifications: look at each employee and determine what training and/or certifications may be appropriate. 03:39
💼 General/industry education: ICBA annual conference in San Antonio was educational “maintenance” for David Peterson. 06:15
📱 Product/service knowledge that enables better customer service. 08:25
⚡ The power of having an education component on the annual review: budget employees can spend on wished courses or education. 09:56

📩 Email David: david@davidpeterson.com 
🤝 Connect with David: www.linkedin.com/in/dlpspeaks  
🙂 Learn more about David: www.davidpeterson.com 
👨‍💼 Consult with David: www.i7strategies.com 


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